7th Commencement Ceremony – 14th July 2023
Hats off to the class of 2023! Felicidades en tu graduación!
Commencement Ceremony will be held on Friday 14 th July 2023. Each graduand will be
allowed a maximum of two guests inside the campus.
This list as posted today, 26th June, 2023 is the Final Senate Approve Graduation List
2023. Please note that we WILL NOT ACCEPT any applications for graduation after
this date.
1. Academic Dress (Regalia)
a. Collection of graduation gowns on Monday10 th and Tuesday 11 th July 2023 from your
respective departments.
b. Adhere to the prescribed dress code for the commencement ceremony. Typically, this
includes wearing the provided graduation gown, cap, and appropriate attire. Avoid excessive accessories or embellishments that may distract from the
formality of the event.
c. The graduation gowns are to be returned to the respective departments after the
commencement ceremony, on or before Friday 28 th July 2023. Late return of the
regalia will attract a levy fee of Kshs. 500/- (Five hundred shillings) for every day
2. Rehearsal
Graduands who wish to participate in the graduation ceremony MUST avail themselves
for the rehearsals on Thursday, 13th July at 12:00 noon at the RU Graduation Square.
Please note that rehearsal is mandatory for all participants.
3. Graduation Day
a. Arrival: Arrive at the designated time. No graduand should join the procession
once it has started.
b. Seating and Procession: Follow the instructions given by the ushers for seating
arrangements. Maintain order and respect the processional order as you enter the
venue. Remain in your assigned seat until instructed otherwise.
c. Attentiveness and Decorum: Show respect and attentiveness throughout the
ceremony. Silence your cell phones and avoid any disruptive behavior. Listen
attentively to the speeches, presentations, and any instructions given by the
speakers or faculty members.
4. Alumni
Once graduate, you will become a member of the alumni of Riara University. Liaise with
the office of the Dean of Students for more information.
For queries on Graduation matters please contact: registrar@riarauniversity.ac.ke
Remember, commencement is a special occasion that symbolizes the end of one chapter and the
beginning of another.
Congratulations once again, and enjoy your commencement ceremony!