The Importance of Employees to Riara University

It is now universally recognized that the people in the organization provide the most important competitive advantage of that organization.  This recognition is highlighted by the emphasis given to the need for effective management of employees.  The concept of “talent management” has been developed to summarize the aim of human resource management policies and practices of searching, identifying, attracting, acquiring, developing, motivating and retaining the organization’s key employees who create and sustain the organizations competitive edge.

The process of recruitment, selection and placement is thus the first and crucial stage of the organizations programme of talent management activities.

Employment Policy Statement

In line with its values and the Employment Act 2007 provisions, Riara University is an Equal Opportunity Employer who strives to promote good and fair employment practices which are intended to achieve the most effective use of all its human resources by tapping the widest sources of talent and eliminating all types of unfair discrimination based on race, colour, sex, language, religion, political or other opinion, nationality, ethnic or social origin, disability, pregnancy, or HIV status.  Particular attention will be paid to monitoring the recruitment process.

It is the policy of Riara University that performance is linked to rewards.

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